Ysgol Glan-y-Mor

Ysgol Bryngwyn School Ysgol Bryngwyn School

Lego Challenge

Glan-y-Môr had two teams taking part in the Regional First Lego League at the Waterfront Museum Swansea last week.  FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL®) is a global science and technology competition with over 250,000 young people taking part each year. The competition has three elements; programming Lego Mindstorm robots to complete missions on the challenge table, carrying out a research project into the challenge theme, this year’s theme is Trash Trek (the competition originates in America) and lastly being judged on how well they work as a team and display the competition’s “Core Values”  One team;  Transition Technos, was made up of Year 6 transition pupils from our primary feeder schools supported by Glan-y-Môr pupils and the second team; Digital Devils, consisted of pupils from Year 7 through to Year 10. The teams have been working hard over the last couple of months preparing for last week’s competition, and both teams did very well in all three elements of the competition. The Digital Devils did particularly well in the Robotic challenge, leading the other 11 schools in the competition from start to finish, and scoring a clear 100 points more than any of its competitors. After an exciting day of competing the Digital Devils were declared regional winners and will now go on to represent South Wales in the British Finals at Loughborough University in February. If they repeat their success at the British finals they will represent Britain at the International finals in America!!!!

The Digital Devils have a Twitter Account to help spread the word about the recycling issue they have been researching, please support the team by following them on Twitter; DigitalDevils15 #rewrap.

To find out more about the First Lego League http://firstlegoleague.theiet.org/

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