Ysgol Glan-y-Mor

Ysgol Bryngwyn School Ysgol Bryngwyn School

Glan-y-Mor pupils achieve yet more 'Success Through Effort'

Just like the Welsh rugby team have worked hard in Switzerland in their training camp, and reaped the rewards, students at Glan-y-Môr have been able to celebrate the fruits of their own hard work. Glan-y-Môr school continues to deliver excellent outcomes for its learners as they move onto the next stage of their own journeys, and maintain standards during a time of significant change in Welsh education.

Glan-y-Môr continues to build on the excellent inspection report in 2017 that stated:

Effective teaching is contributing well to high outcomes for the majority of pupils.”
“Personalised care, support and guidance for all pupils is at the heart of the work of Glan-y-Môr school.”

 In this context:

Our top five pupils achieved a spectacular 45 grades at A* or A grades between them!

Particularly outstanding individual results include:
Frances Woodward    – 9A*s, 1A, 2B’s 1C.
Amber Treharne         – 3A*s, 10A’s.
Olivia Walters             – 4A*s, 8A’s, 1C.
Siena Mansaray          – 3A’s, 4A’s, 4B’s.
Yasmine Thomas        – 2A*s, 5A’s, 4B’s.

Overall the results were very pleasing:

  • - 68% of pupils achieved 5 A*-C.
  • - 64% achieved A*-C in English, 55% achieved A*-C in Maths, and 75% A*-C in Science demonstrating real strength in our core subjects.
  • - An amazing 96% of the year group achieved A*-C in the Welsh Bac Skills Challenge Certificate, the new additional GCSE qualification for pupils.

The new Welsh Government measure, the Capped 9 Score (Overall pupil performance in their best 9 subjects, including English, Maths and Science) was 334.

As a pioneer school, once again significant progress was made in meeting the demands of modern society and meeting our 21st Century skills agenda: 

  • 75% of the year group got a GCSE in Science
  • In Separate Sciences, 85% of pupils achieved A*-C in Biology, 90% A*-C in Chemistry and 95% in Physics.
  • 32% of pupils achieved A*-A in ICT GCSE with 82% achieving grade C or above.
  • In D&T Product Design 75% of pupils achieved A*-C with 41% of pupils achieving 41% at grade B and above.

Elsewhere, our curriculum continues to develop, and most importantly deliver, across the board, continuing to reflect an ESTYN inspection that stated: “The school provides a wide range of high quality learning experiences that contribute very well to pupil’s development and progress.”:                             

  • Welsh, identified as a significant strength of the school by Estyn, resulted in 67% of students achieving A* to C grades, with an outstanding 39% obtaining an A* or A grade! Ardderchog!
  • Spanish was also strong as it adapted to the new more rigorous GCSE with 86% achieving A* to C grades, with 29% obtaining an A* or A grade!
  • Music achieved 86% A* to C grades and Geography was also a great success as 68% achieved A* to C grades, with 25% obtaining an A* or A grade.
  • In English Literature 77% of pupils achieved A*-C, with 41% achieving grade B and above.

Within the vocational curriculum: 

  • Catering was particularly successful as 94% achieved A* to C grades, with 40% obtaining an A* or A grade.
  • Public Services and Hair and Beauty all achieved over 80% pass rates at A*-C.

 Addressing the Health and Wellbeing agenda: 

  • PE achieved 89% A*-C

Staff at Glan-y-Môr are once again incredibly proud of the fantastic achievements of our pupils and would like to wish them every success in their future endeavours, be it education, employment or training.

John Jones, Head of School commented “It is a pleasure to once again be able to spend time to celebrate the fruits of the Year 11’s labour. At Glan-y-Môr  we spend a lot of time looking to achieve “Success through effort”, and these results are proof of that, the year group and our staff have worked hard together to achieve these results, and should be very proud of them. In a time of great change in Welsh Education it can be difficult to keep a focus on what matters, the students success, but I’m both glad and proud that we have achieved this.”

Sharon Cole, Chair of Governors was once again delighted with the outcomes : “The Governing Body are both delighted and proud of the results achieved by our students.  As our motto indicates, there is no secret to these excellent results, it takes hard work and dedication by all involved and their ‘success’ is most definitely a result of the incredible ‘effort’ put in, as the school develops further to produce the new curriculum for Wales.  We are immensely proud of all our learners and wish them every success as they follow their chosen pathway’s.”

Paul Jones the Executive Headteacher commented: “It is lovely to see so many smiling faces here today as our pupils collect their results. We are overjoyed that so many of our pupils have met or exceeded their personal targets. These skills and results will prepare them for their next steps into further education, employment and training.”

Brady Lane, Head Boy, who achieved 1A, 2B’s and 9C grades commented:  “Thank you to everyone, especially all of our teachers for their hard work that has enabled the hard work of all pupils to be realised in a successful set of results, and I hope that subsequent years take the lead from us to get better and better.”

Laila Francis, Head Girl, who achieved 2A*s, 4A’s, 7B’s and 1C grade commented: “I’d like to thank all the staff at Glan-y-Môr for bringing out the best in every pupil by being so passionate about what they do. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my five years at Glan-y-Môr and I’m sad to go.”




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