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Ysgol Glan-y-Mor

Ysgol Bryngwyn School Ysgol Bryngwyn School

Ymdrech A Lwydda Success Through Effort

Welcome to Ysgol Glan-y-Môr School

At Ysgol Glan-y-Môr School we foster an ethos of community and family spirit. We have an excellent reputation for both the high quality of our teaching and learning and our approach to pastoral care, pupil support and guidance.

Starting at a new school is an exciting time and we work hard to make sure that the transition from primary to secondary school is a positive experience for everyone. We welcome enquiries from parents of all pupils - past, present and future.

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Our Curriculum

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    Additional Learning Needs

    Additional Learning Needs

    Additional Learning Needs

    Glan-y-Môr School believes that all students have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum and all students are encouraged to take a full part in every aspect of the life of the school. A wide variety of support is provided by our ALN team to enable ALN students to achieve to their full potential.

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    Art & Design

    Art & Design

    Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

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    We believe that a well-structured and highly effective programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance will play a key role in contributing to how the Academy prepares its young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

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    Computer Science

    Computer Science

    Computer Science and ICT aims to equip every student with the skills they need to survive in an ever increasing digital world while allowing them to develop their computational thinking skills to support learning and progress across all subjects.

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    Design & Technology

    Design & Technology

    Design and technology builds on the skills and knowledge children have already learnt at primary school. It leverages increasingly sophisticated resources, including dedicated teaching environments, manufacturing equipment and specialist teaching. As students progress through this phase, they may be given the opportunity to focus on specific aspects of the subject such as product design, food technology, engineering, systems and control, electronics, textiles and graphics. However, at its core, is creativity and imagination. 

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    To study English is to study life – how we think, feel and behave in many different situations. It asks us profound questions about what it is to be human, about what we value and hold most dear. It is also a technical subject, where the study of language is explored in forensic detail. Mostly, it’s about discovering new worlds, new ideas and learning to develop strong, compelling arguments. The skills learned in English are critical. They help students across all their subjects, and get them ready for life beyond school.

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    English Literature

    English Literature

    English Literature is an opportunity to explore the written form, develop critical thinking skills and communication skills.

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    Geography will inspire you to become a global citizen. By exploring your own place in the world, you will understand the different attitudes and values that people have towards the environment and to the sustainability of our planet.

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    Health, Social & Childcare

    Health, Social & Childcare

    Perhaps the most important reason for studying Health and Social care or Child Development is because you find it to be an interesting and enjoyable subject. They are also useful qualifications for those who wish to work in person-facing or caring roles in the future.

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    The History department aims to develop a student who can think, can write and communicate well and to understand the world we have lived in and are living in now. The Curriculum is challenging and exciting with opportunities to investigate a varied selection of events and people in Britain, Europe and the world. 

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    Computer Science and ICT aims to equip every student with the skills they need to survive in an ever increasing digital world while allowing them to develop their computational thinking skills to support learning and progress across all subjects

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    Mathematics forms the building blocks of everything around us and is prevalent everywhere in the modern world. It is much more than completing calculations and processes but is also about spotting patterns, solving problems, thinking creatively and team work.

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    Studies in Music are not only about developing performance, composition and appraising and analysis skills. Music lessons also develop important life skills, enrich students’ cultural capital and prepare them for their futures - whatever area of study or work they choose to pursue.

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    PSE education at Glan-y-Mor School is a planned, developmental programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future.

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    PE is also a fantastic way of improving mental and social health; making friends and relieving the stress of studying can contribute highly to ensuring students remain happy and healthy.

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    RE & Sociology

    RE & Sociology

    Religious education explores challenging questions about meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about the existence of God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human, in local, national and global contexts. We will discover, explore and consider different answers to these questions. Students will acquire core knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of religions and worldviews which not only shape their history and culture, but which guide their own development and thinking. If you’re fascinated by the way people behave, then Sociology is a subject for you! 

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    Science is essential to making sense of the world we live in and for developing our planet further. It helps us to answer important questions and build technologies to improve our lives. 

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     Spanish is studied by students who enjoy communicating with others and appreciate how important languages are in today’s job market. Spanish is the third most commonly spoken language in the world and, in terms of native speakers, is second only to Mandarin Chinese!

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    Vocational Studies

    Vocational Studies

    Vocational learning gives students context to their learning through real experiences that they can relate to. Some people naturally excel in the classroom arena and that's great, but for others, they need to be inspired through learning that is geared towards an occupation. There are a number of courses such as Public Services, Hairdressing & Beauty, and Construction.

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    Cwrs cyffrous fydd yn eich galluogi i gymryd rhan lawn yn y Gymru ddwyieithog This is an exciting course which will enable you to play a full part in a bilingual Wales. Wales has its own language, which is a vital element in the society to which you belong. This course will give you first-hand experience of the language - both socially and in the world of work. You will have the opportunity to reach a level of fluency according to your ability. We will develop your skills in Welsh for social and employment purposes, for further study of the language and for enjoyment and satisfaction. We will give you an awareness of the use of the language in modern Wales, encourage learning and essential skills and promote the ability to move with ease from one culture to another. 

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    Welsh Baccalaureate

    Welsh Baccalaureate

    The Welsh Baccalaureate will develop seven essential and employability skills in every pupil. These include: Numeracy; Literacy; Digital Literacy; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; Planning and Organisation; Creativity and Innovation; Personal Effectiveness

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